Donate to the Library Foundation
If you love the Gibsons & District Public Library and you're inspired by the Foundation's work, we invite you to donate to the Library Foundation. We are registered as a charity with the Canada Revenue Agency and we issue charitable receipts for donations of $20 or more.
Your gift to the Foundation allows us to fund special literacy programs and capital expenses (such as access to technology, and making better use of space) which are not covered by core government funding.
In these times of rapid technological and societal change, the Library is constantly adapting itself to serve the community's changing needs, which often requires new equipment and additional or modified space - precisely the areas the Foundation is here to support.
Why Donate to the Library Foundation?
Sometimes we want to make a difference in our community but our lives are so hectic that we don't have time to volunteer. When you "volunteer your money", it enables the Library Foundation to fund capital expenses at the Library like the following:
- Renovations of, and furniture for, public areas of the Library, to make the Library even more comfortable and allow it to serve more patrons.
- Equipment to streamline Library staff workload so they can spend more time with Library patrons.
- Equipment for use by Library patrons, such as computers, iPads, STEAM kits and meeting room audio/visual equipment.
- The book locker in Upper Gibsons so that library users can pick up and return their loan items without having to travel to Lower Gibsons.
- Book sets for book reading clubs.
In these times of financial insecurity, your contributions will help members of our community access books, magazines, DVDs, the Internet, and even the Library of Things (such as tools, sewing machines, SAD lamps, and STEAM kits) without cost.
Your gift will help the Library to continue to support lifelong learning - from childhood through to retirement years. That includes learning for personal development, but could also include learning new job skills.
When you donate to the Library Foundation, everyone in the community benefits - and that includes you and your loved ones. The Library gives us access to books, magazines, CDs, DVDs and more. A place to cozy up with a book and enjoy the view of Howe Sound. Access to the Internet and a variety of online subscription services at no cost. A place to go during those days when the weather is too hot or too cold for comfort. An opportunity to be around others if we've been lonely at home.
What could feel better than contributing to all that?
How to Donate to the Library Foundation
Ways to Donate
There are several ways you can make a donation:
- Donate online using CanadaHelps, using the form below.
- Send an e-transfer to:
- Send a personal cheque made out to:
Gibsons & District Library Foundation Society
And addressed to:
Gibsons & District Library Foundation Society
P.O. Box 109
470 South Fletcher Rd.
Gibsons, BC,
V0N 1V0
If all donation options are equally convenient for you, we suggest the following:
- For donations of $500 or less, donate online with CanadaHelps, who will keep a small percentage of your donation and take care of providing you with a tax receipt.
- For larger donations, donate by e-transfer or cheque so that we receive 100% of your donation; in that case, our Treasurer will provide you with a tax receipt.
With your support, the Library will grow and adapt to the changing needs in our community!
Donating in Memory
You may choose to make your donation in memory of a loved one who has passed. Your gift will help us support the Gibsons & District Public Library in perpetuity.
Unless you request otherwise, we recognize your loved one on our In Memory page. You may email us a link to an obituary for your loved one, and we will link their name on that page to the obituary.
Donate via CanadaHelps
The form below allows you to make a donation to Gibsons & District Library Foundation through the charity CanadaHelps. CanadaHelps accepts your donation on our behalf and will issue you with a tax receipt. Any information you enter into the form below is governed by the CanadaHelps Privacy Policy.
With CanadaHelps, you can make a one-time donation or commit to a regular monthly donation. You can also donate "In Memory" of a loved one.
Some employers will match donations that their employees make to non-profits. If your employer offers this, you can double your impact.
If you are considering leaving a bequest, gifting stocks or securities, or designating the Foundation as a recipient of your life insurance policy, we invite you to contact us.
Share Your Reason
Are you donating because you've benefitted personally from the Library's services? In memory of a loved one? Because you want to give to your community? We'd love to hear what motivated you.