Our Mission and Logo
Supporting our Local Library
Our mission here at the Gibsons & District Library Foundation is to support the Gibsons & District Public Library over the long term, by providing financial support above and beyond the core funding which the Library receives from government. The library is funded by regional taxes from the Town of Gibsons and the SCRD communities of Area E (Elphinstone), Area F (West Howe Sound), and Area D (Roberts Creek).
We believe the the Library is a vitally important community institution. The Foundation was established in November 2001, so we've been supporting the Library for over 20 years.
The Foundation is a registered charity, overseen entirely by community volunteers, that operates as a separate and distinct organization from the Library. However, we work closely with the Library Board and staff to ensure that our donors' contributions are put to the best use.
Four Pillars of Our Work
Our mission here at the Gibsons & District Library Foundation is to:
- Provide supplemental funding to the Library, above and beyond government core funding, through the support of individuals and organizations.
- Facilitate and promote educational programs by enhancing Library facilities and providing materials and equipment.
- Encourage community outreach programs for those not able to come to the Library.
- Receive gifts, bequests, funds and property to hold and invest. Administer those investments and distribute funds to the Library.
Our Logo
Our logo was created by local designer Roger Handling in 2004. He also designed our original letterhead and bookmark.
After nearly 20 years of using the original design, the logo was adjusted in 2023 to incorporate brighter colours and a new font for the text "Gibsons & District".
The logo still speaks to the beautiful view that staff and patrons enjoy when visiting the Library, with the swooshes representing the grassy foreground, the waters of Howe Sound, and the more distant mountains coloured by summer sunsets. (The logo also echoes the appearance of the pages of one side of an opened book and the sweeping curve of the library building's roof.)
By most any measure, the GDPL is probably the most inclusive cultural organization in our community! It serves residents of all sorts, including any of us with the most diverse characteristics you could name. It has historically been the most used cultural institution in our community.
The Library serves people who don't use the Rec Centre, the playing fields, the sk8 bowl, or the swimming pool - places that all have greater funding from our tax dollars! It is used by those who may not visit other charitable cultural offerings like the art gallery, the museum or the Heritage Playhouse. It is there truly for ALL of us!
LeeAnn Johnson, Former GDPL Trustee